
Fresh from the field

The white cabbage for all cabbage specialties from efko comes 100% from Austria.

After harvesting in the Eferding Basin, the cabbage is subjected to natural lactic acid fermentation by adding salt. The subsequent gentle heating enables a defensibility without preservatives. The sauerkraut is refined by adding specially selected spices according to a traditional recipe .

Sauerkraut is rich in nutrients and low in calories. Sauerkraut can therefore find a place on our plates more often, especially in winter.

Unsere Gurkenspezialitäten

Knackig, klein und mit einem Happen im Mund. Kein Wunder, dass unsere feinen, kleinen Gurken so beliebt sind. Ob kräuterig-würzig, balsamico-mild oder mit klassisch-feinem Aufguss, da ist für jeden was dabei!

Eferdinger Gurkerl
Allefko ChefkochSeeburger

Carefully processed

Sauerkraut has been known as an extremely valuable food for centuries. Lactic acid fermentation is one of the oldest natural methods of preserving food, especially to preserve vegetables over the season. Sauerkraut has a long tradition and has become an indispensable part of modern cuisine.

Recipe ideas

Alles Wissenswerte über Gurken